Campus News 12.07.2017


It’s beginning to feel a lot more like winter! Please help your children to dress for the weather. (We use 32 degrees as our indicator for inside or outside recess!)  Also, be sure that you have written your child’s name and grade in their jackets so that we can return them if lost.  We already have a number of coats in the Lost & Found by the cafeteria! Please take a look!!

Science Research Night

Join us tonight from 5:30-6:15 in the library to check out books & resources.  We will have books, rubrics and some science project examples displayed to help your child get in their scientific mindset.  All grade levels may participate, however, only grades 3-5 will be judged and may progress to the regional fair.  Science fair projects will be due Friday, January 19 no later than 7:35 am.  Judging will take place on Monday, January 22. For more information and FAQs, go to the website at this link: Sommer Science Fair Site


Spotlight the Arts Night at Patsy Sommer!!

Please join us for the first ever Spotlight on the Arts Night.  We will have art displayed by Sommer artists, a “spotlight” of featured middle school music groups, and holiday performances from our Sommer choirs!  Come enjoy a fun & enjoyable evening of amazing talent and entertainment!  Thursday, Dec. 14. See flyer for information:  Spotlight on the Arts flyer

Brown Santa

In place of the Brown Santa drive this year, the PTA sponsored an Amazon drive to provide food and supplies to those displayed to Austin by the hurricane.  Due to your generosity, this campaign was a great success! We will not be sponsoring the Brown Santa on campus this year, however see this flyer for information on where you can donate: Brown Santa Dropoff Locations

News from the Library:

Next week, we will begin our all-call for overdues and lost/damaged fines.  Please have your stallions look for any library books in their closets, rooms and throughout the house!

Save the Date: 1st Semester Awards Assemblies:

This year, first semester awards ceremonies will be held for grades 2-5 only.  Kindergarten and first grade will continue to celebrate their students each day in their classrooms culminating in grade level celebrations at the end of the year.

Upcoming Dates:
Dec. 14 3rd Grade Field Trip to the Nutcracker
Dec. 14 5:30  Sommer Spotlight on the Arts

Winter Holiday Party Schedule:
Dec. 19  9:00-9:45   3rd Grade
Dec. 19  12:05-12:50  2nd Grade
Dec. 19  1:45-2:30   5th Grade
Dec. 20  9:30-10:15  4th Grade
Dec. 20  10:00-10:45  PPCD
Dec. 20  11:15-12:00  Kindergarten
Dec. 20  1:30-2:15  1st Grade
Dec. 21 Last day of school for students
Dec. 22  Teacher work day
Jan. 8  Staff Professional Learning Day
Jan. 9  Welcome back students!

Awards Assemblies:
Jan. 10  8:00  5th Grade
Jan.  10  9:00  3rd Grade
Jan. 11  8:00  2nd Grade
Jan. 11  9:00  4th Grade